Friday, April 30, 2010

Rain and Lamps

Good morning!

Hope your week has been wonderful! Today I'm anticipating the rain. It will give me a reason to stay inside and relax. Then again maybe I'll go play in it! Today is different, wanna know why? ok well I'll tell you anyway :) I am officially a senior! Its hard to believe but I'm so excited!
My mind is brewing with ideas to make lamps and in search of inspiration I found this website.
It has some really awesome lamps. Here are a few from the site.

I absolutely love these lamps anyways I hope if your day is rainy, you'll sit and enjoy the pitter patters against the window. As my friend Ashley puts it " God's way of saying stay inside" :)

By Me: "Blue Chair"

Have a beautiful day!

Friday, April 16, 2010


This Friday morning I love....

coffee and everything about it. Probably the best smell of morning :)

Tulips, they are all over campus right now. They are so pretty!

  Sally Mann Photography

There is an arts festival this weekend as well as numerous other activities!! There will be tons of photo opportunities and a lot of local artist to meet, so I'll be back soon! 
Have a fabulous weekend!
xoxo Micah

Friday, April 9, 2010

Booty Pop!


I know I just posted one. It was actually from yesterday...oops! So I'm calling this one Booty Pop!! Have you seen it? The commercial for this craziness?! Well if not, its a padded butt! So funny! Its been a joke with a few of my friends in the last couple of days! Haha Google it! It will make you laugh :) Today I'm leaving at 3 to go to Mississippi College for a Leadership Conference with the Baptist Student Union. It should be fun and then I'll be back tomorrow in the afternoon! A quick trip huh?! Anyways I recently applied for the leadership team and I was accepted to be the Photographer. I'm excited, its definitely going to be busy next semester!

These pictures are from my photo 1 survey class. I wanted to capture personality through feet.

These pictures were a picture within a picture. These weren't my best ones but they are still fun and they are in digital format. The project was to obviously get one picture and put it into another one. This was all film though, so most of my favorites on film right now. 

And finally for this morning, my picture with Jim Stone himself. Awesome :)

Well I hope you all have a fabulous day!!
 Xoxo, Micah

Today I am a red head

Hey There!!

Today I am a red head! Actually I've been one since Monday and I love it! ha Soooo I have some stuff to show you finally! Some older work from photo 1, ceramics, sculpture and some newer stuff. Its a busy busy day. Tonight is the BFA thesis show and this morning I met Jim Stone. You should look him up, he is a pretty cool guy.

I spent some time while at home for easter to take pictures that were not for class. It felt nice. These are of some abandoned buildings on the old air base. I really do find these buildings interesting but I'm not certain that old abandoned building will be on my list forever.  I'm feeling proud of these :)

Telephone Pole



Chapel Reflection


Sculpture Survey work

I call it "Rhino". It wasn't my intention.

drawer- uneven but i proud of it!


Triangle cups and pitcher

Slab 2- it sits in 3 different ways


Slab 1



Bleached Albany                                          Anyways I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Thoughts of the day

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

I hope things are well and you had a beautiful relaxing Easter weekend with your family!  I know I did and I was sad to leave but excited at the same time to get this semester over! :) I say all this now and then in May '11 Ill be thinking how did it go by so quickly. haha I am just sitting in the new Visual Arts Center admiring all the art work! I have some very talented friends and peers. I've also been thinking how I would really love to have my hard drive and my memory card to do some up loading. I'm so sorry I haven't updated, I am realizing keeping up with this thing might be a little harder than I thought ;) I hope to upload some more work soon and possibly scan a few doodles and sketches.
Its definitely a beautiful sunny day and I miss the cooler air just a little. I also keep daydreaming about the beach! I would so love to be there right now ha!

Today I love.....
all the yellow dandelions


all the art work that surrounds me
my friends
"For Audrey" blue nail polish
creaking hardwood floors
my Cannon EOS 650
City bagel
Pineapple Casserole (a new discovery)

These patterns I found are pretty awesome!

Tonight I plan to practice making fabric flowers and plastic bag flowers. How exciting huh?!

Ok I suppose thats enough of that for now ;) I'll be back soon!
Have a lovely day!