Tuesday, June 29, 2010

One Happy Hour

Andrew and I went to the county lake to enjoy an afternoon in the sun and just fish, after numerous trips back to town to get things we kept forgetting, we finally made it to the lake to enjoy a happy hour of sunshine. We didn't catch anything big, just little fish and tossed them back. Don't worry, he didn't really kiss the fish :) Have a wonderful day!


Monday, June 28, 2010

Hello Horn Island

This past weekend, I went South to visit my boyfriend and his family. It was a wonderful weekend. We headed out to Horn Island even though most of it is shut down because of the oil spill. It was absolutely beautiful and the day was warm. Andrew and I also visited the Walter Anderson Museum where they display all of his watercolor paintings from Horn Island and other spots around the Gulf. I can't help but admire the creation that God makes everyday. It makes everything worth while. 

Goodnight and sweetdreams
xoxo, Micah

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Its been awhile

Hello everyone,
Its definitely been awhile since I have put anything up here. A lot has been going on in the heat of a Mississippi summer. I've been working and taking classes. Here is a little bit of what I've been up to.


Also, In May, I had the pleasure of photographing my best friends wedding. It was in Texas and it was beautiful. Congratulations Breah and Tim Belew!