Thursday, March 24, 2011

It is finished

This school year has been amazing for so many reasons. I currently have been going through my senior thesis and it has been a roller coaster. In the end, with lots of prayer and encouragement, I made it. This weekend the installation of the Mississippi State University Spring 2011 Bachelors of Fine Arts- "Unmasked" will be begin. 18 seniors blood and tears went into this, so you should come ;)

This is one of my photographs from my series "Echo", a documentary of the Palmer Home for Children. These diptychs contain my present images of the home and the archived photographs donated from Palmer Home.

Hope to see you there! The show opens March 29th and ends April 8th.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sneak Peak: Karrie + Wesley

March 12, 2011 I had the privilege to photograph my second wedding! 

Karrie and Wesley Files are perfect for each other. They balance each other out so well and I am thrilled that I could be apart of their wedding day. 

I'll have more soon but here are a few, Enjoy!



Sunday, March 20, 2011

In the events of abandonment there is beauty

As a child, my family and I would piled into the car and go to Jonesboro for a day of shopping. Along the way we would pass as old home that sat in the middle of a field away from the highway. I remember thinking how beautiful it was and I would imagine what it would be like to live in such a beautiful old house in the forties and fifties. (I believe this to be where my love for antebellum and historical homes, in general, began to bloom.) Over the years, we drove by and I always looked to see if anything was different. Then, almost as if it had happened over night, I realized how old and run down it looked. I believe I just got older and more observant and it wasn't the fancy house I believed it to be, however, I was wrong.

This is the Stacy House.
It really had been a spectacular place in its prime.
In the events of abandonment, there is beauty.

Special thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Blankenship for allowing me to enter and photograph this wonderful place.
