Thursday, March 18, 2010

Photo Shoot!

This is a dress designed by the lovely Amber Neal. She is a Fashion Merchandising major and there is no doubt in my mind that she will be successful. Her style is truly unique. xoxo

Here are a few photos of my beautiful mother. I had so much fun taking her picture and she was such a trooper because it was really cold outside. I took mostly black and white film but these are a few in digital format.


I love this :)
I think cows are an interesting species. Yes, they are also pretty gross if you are observing them and they are really pretty boring. I really had never heard a cow moo until I got to Mississippi and it threw me off when I heard it for the first time. Being an Arkansas girl you would think I had heard one but I hadn't until my freshman year. I've always wanted to get up close to a cow whenever I would drive by one sticking his head over the fence. When this project came up I thought hey this is my chance. Funny that this is what I thought of first, I know. This is a many make one project from Digital Photography. Lots of fun...lots of time invested. Special thank you to Kelli McGee and her family for letting me rome around their farm to take pictures.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Slow but soon

Hey there,

I hope things are treating you well! Its spring break here and I should be getting this thing going but as you can see I haven't uploaded a single thing in a while. I've been working on a few things and hope to have them up soon to show off. I've been searching the web and found a couple of websites and blogs that I adore. I hope you enjoy them :)  They given me inspiration! I'm extremely pumped to get it this blog going on a regular basis! Here are the sites ----  and   Enjoy!!

Much love,

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Night Photography

I took digital photography in the fall semester and got my feet wet with night photography as well as HDR. It was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed learning the processes of HDR as well as learning how to get a good night picture. I took all of these in downtown Pascagoula, MS. It was rainy and a little foggy, but since its kind of a ghost town already, it worked perfect for night shots. I was definitely pleased with my results.
Micah <3

Saturday, March 6, 2010


This first one is 35mm black and white film. I love the detail in this picture, which is why its a favorite. The second one is digital. I took this one for a project in Design 1 and it has also become one of my favorites. Both are untitled.
This Picture is called "fierce" which describes her perfectly at times.  I used black and white 35mm film to take this picture and am finding that I love film more and more everyday. This picture has gotten 2nd place in an Icapture Photography Contest, as well as, making it to the finalist round in the Best of College Photography Photographers Forum Contest. This picture will be published in that book this coming June 2010. I'm so excited!! This will be my first publish work! Thats all for now! Ill be back later!
Have a wonderful day!