Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy Wednesday from the Mr.

Andrew sent me beautiful flowers last week when I was having a really awful week.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Day of Exploration


I hope your Saturday was wonderful. My mother is visiting this weekend and it has been a much needed visit. If I can't go home then why can't a piece of home come to me? Well for my mother, that question is answered with haste and her before I know it.

This past week was an emotional roller coaster with school and the whole last semester of college thing.  God has shown me so much through just this week. Some of what I keep hearing from him, "Cast ALL your cares to Him", "Trust me, Lean on me." 
I'm so lucky to have family and friends that are here to encourage me.

Today, my mother and I took a trip to the Waverly Mansion in West Point, MS. It was a charming place, full of history, and the lady giving the tours was very sweet. I couldn't help but imagine what the place was like more than a 100 years ago. 40 servants and winding stairs. How crazy considering the house does not even seem big enough to have that many. I sure wish I could have gotten pictures inside but cameras were only allowed on the outside.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

two.five.twenty eleven

Good Afternoon,

I hope you are enjoying your Saturday. I am currently living in the studio this weekend. I can finally see some direction after being slightly crushed this past week.
I have had this continuous block over my work for the past week. Thesis is really a lot of work and I love it, but what I don't love is being stressed over it and worried about it and wondering if I will make it.

I am stubborn and words can't and won't break me. I know I can do it and I will. I can't wait to share my work with the world.

On another page, I'll be going to the Philippines this summer! I'm extremely excited about the many opportunities that will be given to show God's redeeming love.

I sure hope you have an amazing day


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Grandmothers house

I find something intriguing about my grandmothers house. All the pictures and how things are arranged. There is a wide variety of pictures and knick naks.

Here are a couple of pictures from this past weekend. We gathered there to celebrate her birthday! It was a great weekend, and it was a blessing to be able to celebrate another birthday with her.

Micah Williams