Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wildfires and Mood Rings

Hello all,

I hope you are enjoying this impeccable joyful weather! I am in the state of Texas right now finding myself. ha not really. I am actually visiting with my best friend who now lives here with her husband. The trip was ten hours so good thing we haven't talked to much. We filled the whole ten hours with conversations about life and good ole memories. I know your thinking how could you talk for ten hours...but it's possible. Yes yes. We stopped at Cracker Barrel and left with a box of 1970s candies, cheerwine, and root beer. Yummm :) Our favorite phrase of the trip came right off the back of the box "candies so good, it'll turn your mood ring blue". Now that is some intense candy ;) Texas is extremely dry right now. They have signs over the roads saying look for smoke and danger and then we saw a ton of smoke not too far from the road right after we entered the state.
Yesterday we ventured out to the town square and visited a few antique stores and a tea room for lunch. Anyways, its been fun so far :)

Hope you are having a spectacular week! 
