Thursday, August 26, 2010

A good way to begin

Good Evening,

Well this week has been hectic and insane and great all at once. I wasn't sure if I would be able to get in touch with the Palmer Home but I did and they are willing to help me with my project. My first meeting is tomorrow morning and I'm excited and nervous. Then BSU Fall Retreat is this weekend so that should be fun! Oh, I just realized thats probably something I should pack for. Ha Anyways I must go! another paper is calling my name.


P.S I have found inspiration from this lady.

Helen Levitt, Her series New York

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Full Week

Hey again,

SO its the first full week of school! It's officially Senior year and I'm excited, nervous, pumped, bittersweet? hahaha I'm taking 12 hours, adv. photo, directed ind. study, sr. honors research, and umm oh yeah Darkroom explorations. Exciting huh? I have a lot to do and to think on. God is guiding my steps and He is in control of the future!

I haven't been to bed before midnight in like 3 weeks! I've been determined to make the most out of this year. I don't really think I'm ready to be done!

Andrew cooked dinner for us last night and then we went for a walk around campus for the first time in a really long time and it was rather lovely. Then Dianna and Rachael came over last night and we stayed up talking about life and  reminiscing. Time flies when your having fun!

I'm hoping to begin some documentary series through an orphanage or possible through a nursing home. Actually I may take strange quirky family portraits of family owned businesses. That would be cool I think.

So where exactly do I want to go after collage? After it's all said and done? I don't have a clue. Maybe to Maine or to India. Maybe Africa or Russia? Maybe just here in Starkville I will stay. Where ever my Father in Heaven leads me, I will follow.

Anyways I must go! Time to get some research done! :)


Road Trips = bliss

This is such a late post. I should really get on here more often to tell about my adventures. Last weekend right before school started, about seven of us left for the beach around nine at night with intentions of sleeping on the beach. Ha yeah so we get there and it starts to rain. Are you surprised? Me either. We ended up piling seven of us in a hotel room. That was funny. Anyways it rained and rained some more. Then we headed to waffle house for a hearty breakfast and then to the beach! It turned out to be a beautiful day spent with awesome friends! One of my friends had color filters, so we were dorks and sat for a while and took pictures. It was quite enjoyable :)

Micah tee