Wednesday, November 10, 2010


A few weekends ago I went to spend time with my family. They are always so much fun. It's different now tho. My grandfather is gone. I wish I would have taken more pictures when he was there. I know that I can't do anything about that so that weekend I decided it was picture time since I don't see them often. They are so funny! I love them! The guys watched Football and the girls well we went through my grandmothers old patterns and some of her outfits that she made herself. However, when I developed my film, I messed up some pictures. I'll have to retake them next time I'm there :)



  1. What a sweet and beautiful girl you are. Thank you for sending me this so I can check up on your writings. Love you, Uncle Bennie

  2. Awe :) Thank you Uncle Benny! I'm so glad you will follow
    Love you too, Micah
